2 Categories of Clutterers
One of my favorite authors on the topic of clutter and living clutter-less is Sandra Felton, author of Messie No More and The Messie's Manual , now updated to The New Messie's Manual . Sandra, herself a "reformed messie" [sic] has some useful surveys helping people get clarity about the base reasons for their struggles with clutter. via GIPHY Sandra has broken down cluttering behaviors into essentially 3 categories: "Saving" clutterers, "Messie" clutterers, and "Time Wasting" clutterers. In summarizing Sandra's categories, I've consolidated them into only two: "Saving" and "Messie" clutterers. I'm also including some anti-clutterers thoughts (AC T ) , to help you work toward a new mindset for managing possessions. As was outlined in this post , one part of the problem with "M.E.S.S." is often emotional , and Sandra's breakdown covers a large number of the emotional factors. They will...