Before / After Photos II, home organizing projects
I want to preface this post with a couple of things: First , the project scope for all of these jobs included more than one room, but many of these photo sets only include one. "Why??", you might ask... Because I often forget to take before pictures and so have nothing to compare for all the work completed 😦😖😠, and The change in the worked area after some organizing activities just doesn't look as dramatic, although it makes a very big difference for client. Second , I believe the majority of people who need my services think that their organizing mess is insurmountable and "fixing it" will take much longer than it really does. It's astounding what you can accomplish with someone's help in just a few hours! And now, for a little before and after tour... Third, project hours given are total , not just for the room(s) shown. "Cute Rules" 1. Project scope (approx 110 hrs): Entire house (room list below) + off-premises garage...